Wayne County Domestic Relations
Link: waynecountypa.gov
The Domestic Relations Office is the child support assessment/enforcement unit of the Court of Common Pleas. Officers receive initial child support complaints, conduct assessment hearings, investigate change in circumstances involving modification requests and enforce existing support orders. The offices are located on the second floor of the Dimmick Building adjacent to the Wayne County Courthouse, Honesdale, Pennsylvania.
Court Functions & Responsibilities
- Process original child support complaints and reciprocal complaints from other jurisdictions
- Conduct preliminary child support assessment hearings
- Monitor and reconcile existing support accounts
- Act as information liaison between County and State PACSES support collection process
- Conduct modification support hearings
- Prepare Contempt actions and testify in court nonsupport actions
- Collect and disburse related court costs
- Establish paternity
All persons visiting the Wayne County Domestic Relations Office must present government issued identification.