Click on a resource category listed below to see information related to that category.
Get a Clean Slate in Pennsylvania -
This website, provides comprehensive information on Pennsylvania's Clean Slate Law that provides for automated sealing of certain criminal records. Information is also provided on how to obtain legal help in dealing with your criminal record. The site also features the Clean Slate Screener, a free and easy way for you to view your Pennsylvania criminal record and get information about your record clearing options.
Family and Medical Leave Act Fact Sheet
Information from Community Legal Services of Philadelphia on the Family and Medical Leave Act that protects certain employees from getting fired while on leave for family or medical reasons.
Trans Youth Handbook
This Handbook was created to help you learn about your legal rights in different areas of your life. The information in this Handbook should not be considered legal advice. This Handbook provides legal information but does not attempt to apply that information to any specific situation. This guide was up-to-date as of its release in June 2020. However, because laws affecting trans people are constantly changing, the information contained in this Handbook may not reflect the current legal situation where you live. You can click on the links below to access the different sections online. You can also access the entire handbook by clicking here You can also review Resources and Definitions, which lists additional helpful resources and definitions for the terms used in this Handbook. If you have a question about your specific legal situation, you should contact NCLR’s legal helpline by phone at (415) 392-6257 or (800) 528-6257. You can also contact the helpline by e-mail at
Your Detailed Rights as a Crime Victim
Descriptions of the rights you have as a victim of crime in Pennsylvania
Where to File a Claim for Wages
A claim for unpaid wages can be filed with the U.S. Department of Labor, Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, or Municipal Court. This chart lists information to help you determine where the claim should be filed. (August 2013)
Tools That Teach: What is Human Trafficking? (Video)
This video from the Department of Homeland Security's Blue Campaign helps answer the question "What is Human Trafficking? "
Get a Clean Slate in Pennsylvania -
This website, provides comprehensive information on Pennsylvania's Clean Slate Law that provides for automated sealing of certain criminal records. Information is also provided on how to obtain legal help in dealing with your criminal record. The site also features the Clean Slate Screener, a free and easy way for you to view your Pennsylvania criminal record and get information about your record clearing options.
Get a Clean Slate in Pennsylvania -
This website, provides comprehensive information on Pennsylvania's Clean Slate Law that provides for automated sealing of certain criminal records. Information is also provided on how to obtain legal help in dealing with your criminal record. The site also features the Clean Slate Screener, a free and easy way for you to view your Pennsylvania criminal record and get information about your record clearing options.
Family and Medical Leave Act Fact Sheet
Information from Community Legal Services of Philadelphia on the Family and Medical Leave Act that protects certain employees from getting fired while on leave for family or medical reasons.
Where to File a Claim for Wages
A claim for unpaid wages can be filed with the U.S. Department of Labor, Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, or Municipal Court. This chart lists information to help you determine where the claim should be filed. (August 2013)
Expungement Explainer
Information on expungement including what criminal records can be expunged and the process for getting them expunged.
Legal Help for LGBTQ+ Individuals
Community Legal Services (CLS) provides free legal assistance in civil matters for low-income residents of Philadelphia. We are strong advocates for our clients, including LGBTQ+ individuals, when they face the threat of losing their homes, incomes, health care, and even their families. We work on many legal issues including eviction, mortgage foreclosure, criminal record expungements, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and other public benefits, SSI, employment, utilities, and housing problems for people who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault.
Monday Minute: Wage Theft
$32 million dollars is stolen from Pennsylvanians every week because of #WageTheft. In this week's Monday Minute, CLS attorney Nadia Hewka discusses the issue of wage theft, who gets targeted, and individual & policy solutions. (July 2019)
Tools That Teach: What is Human Trafficking? (Video)
This video from the Department of Homeland Security's Blue Campaign helps answer the question "What is Human Trafficking? "
Trans Youth Handbook
This Handbook was created to help you learn about your legal rights in different areas of your life. The information in this Handbook should not be considered legal advice. This Handbook provides legal information but does not attempt to apply that information to any specific situation. This guide was up-to-date as of its release in June 2020. However, because laws affecting trans people are constantly changing, the information contained in this Handbook may not reflect the current legal situation where you live. You can click on the links below to access the different sections online. You can also access the entire handbook by clicking here You can also review Resources and Definitions, which lists additional helpful resources and definitions for the terms used in this Handbook. If you have a question about your specific legal situation, you should contact NCLR’s legal helpline by phone at (415) 392-6257 or (800) 528-6257. You can also contact the helpline by e-mail at