Employment Issues and Human Trafficking

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Click on a resource category listed below to see information related to that category.

Family and Medical Leave Act

Information from Neighborhood Legal Services Association on the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Family and Medical Leave Act Fact Sheet

Information from Community Legal Services of Philadelphia on the Family and Medical Leave Act that protects certain employees from getting fired while on leave for family or medical reasons.

Family and Medical Leave Act Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet from the United States Department of Labor about the Family and Medical Leave Act. [PDF]

Get a Clean Slate in Pennsylvania - MyCleanSlatePA.com

This website, MyCleanSlatePA.com provides comprehensive information on Pennsylvania's Clean Slate Law that provides for automated sealing of certain criminal records. Information is also provided on how to obtain legal help in dealing with your criminal record. The site also features the Clean Slate Screener, a free and easy way for you to view your Pennsylvania criminal record and get information about your record clearing options.

How to Assert Your Rights in the Workplace

Information from Neighborhood Legal Services Association on how to assert your rights in the workplace.

Know Your Employment Rights!

Information from Community Legal Services of Philadelphia on employment rights including wages, unemployment compensation, family and medical leave, discrimination, workplace injuries, and unions. (January 2014)

Know Your Rights at Work

This booklet from the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General outlines the rights a worker has in the workplace and how to get help if you are experiencing an unlawful work-related issue.

National Human Trafficking Hotline

The National Human Trafficking Hotline connects victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe. The Trafficking Hotline also receives tips about potential situations of sex and labor trafficking and facilitates reporting that information to the appropriate authorities in certain cases. Call: 1-888-373-7888; TTY: 711; Text* 233733

Trans Youth Handbook

This Handbook was created to help you learn about your legal rights in different areas of your life. The information in this Handbook should not be considered legal advice. This Handbook provides legal information but does not attempt to apply that information to any specific situation. This guide was up-to-date as of its release in June 2020. However, because laws affecting trans people are constantly changing, the information contained in this Handbook may not reflect the current legal situation where you live. You can click on the links below to access the different sections online. You can also access the entire handbook by clicking here You can also review Resources and Definitions, which lists additional helpful resources and definitions for the terms used in this Handbook. If you have a question about your specific legal situation, you should contact NCLR’s legal helpline by phone at (415) 392-6257 or (800) 528-6257. You can also contact the helpline by e-mail at info@nclrights.org.

Wages and Hours

Information from Neighborhood Legal Services Association on wage and hour issues including how to file a complaint.

Your Detailed Rights as a Crime Victim

Descriptions of the rights you have as a victim of crime in Pennsylvania

National Human Trafficking Hotline

The National Human Trafficking Hotline connects victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe. The Trafficking Hotline also receives tips about potential situations of sex and labor trafficking and facilitates reporting that information to the appropriate authorities in certain cases. Call: 1-888-373-7888; TTY: 711; Text* 233733

Expungement of Criminal Records

Expungement is when a criminal record is completely erased. When a record is expunged, no one—not even the police or courts—have access to it. The classroom provides information on when and how a criminal record can be expunged or removed from your personal record.

Benefit Appeals - Important Information for UC Appeal Hearings

Information from the PA Department of Labor & Industry on appeals of unemployment compensation claims.

Did You Get Unemployment Compensation During the Pandemic? Tips for Filing a New UC Application

If you received Unemployment Compensation (UC) during the pandemic and now need to apply again because you lost your job, you may be confused about how to get started. Here’s some advice from Community Legal Services that may help you file your new application.

How to File a Case in Philadelphia Small Claims Court

Explanation of the Small Claims Court process in Philadelphia from Philadelphia Legal Assistance as outlined in a brochure from the Philadelphia Municipal Court.

How to Sue At the Office of the Magisterial District Judge

Information from MidPenn Legal Services on how to file suit on small claims in your local Office of the Magisterial District Judge. (July 2012)

Minimum Wage and Overtime Complaint Form

This form from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry is used to file complaints under the Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act of 1968. In an effort to expedite your complaint, the Bureau of Labor Law Compliance encourages you to take advantage of the online or electronic submission of the complaint form, but you may choose instead to return a hardcopy version of this form.

Where to File a Claim for Wages

A claim for unpaid wages can be filed with the U.S. Department of Labor, Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, or Municipal Court. This chart lists information to help you determine where the claim should be filed. (August 2013)

Blue Campaign

Information on Blue Campaign, a national public awareness campaign, designed to educate the public, law enforcement and other industry partners to recognize the indicators of human trafficking, and how to appropriately respond to possible cases.

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 4: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Video)

This video highlights task force and other multidisciplinary initiatives, demonstrating the collaborations needed to serve victims of trafficking effectively, bring traffickers to justice, and build the community's capacity. (2016)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 3: An Introduction to Labor Trafficking (Video)

This video provides an overview of labor trafficking. It features survivors and professionals—including law enforcement, judges, social service, legal and health care providers—who share information on victim indicators, ways victims are often identified, how professionals may come into contact with victims of labor trafficking, and industries where labor trafficking is more common. (2016)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 2: An Introduction to Sex Trafficking (Video)

This video provides an overview of sex trafficking. It features survivors and professionals—including law enforcement, judges, and social service, legal, and health care providers—who share information on victim indicators, ways victims are often identified, how professionals may come into contact with victims of sex trafficking, and industries where sex trafficking is more common. (2016)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 1: An Introduction (Video)

This video introduces the issue of human trafficking—both sex and labor trafficking—in the United States in order to raise awareness and provide a foundation for further discussion and training.

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 5: Effective Victim Services (Video)

This video includes information on the importance of providing victim-centered, trauma-informed services to meet the wide array of needs experienced by trafficking victims. Coordination and collaboration are critical in responding to the diverse population of trafficking survivors, as no one provider can meet all of the needs of all types of trafficking victims. (2016)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 6: Focus on Youth (Video)

This video highlights the specific vulnerabilities, risk factors, and needs of youth, with a focus on the diverse range of professionals who are in a position to identify exploited youth and connect them with appropriate services.

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 7: Legal Needs and Rights of Victims (Video)

This video details the array of comprehensive legal needs a victim of human trafficking may have, including issues of immigration, family law, housing, bankruptcy, employment law, public benefits access, criminal defense, rights enforcement, and civil actions. (2016)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 9: Now That We Are Free (Video)

This video features survivors of human trafficking who are resilient, thriving members of their communities. They share insight on the support systems, services, and personal journeys that helped them persevere, with words of encouragement for others who were or may still be in situations of human trafficking. (2016)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 8: The Victim-Centered Case (Video)

This video features survivors, service providers, prosecutors, and local law enforcement who have worked on human trafficking cases that have ended with a successful prosecution. They stress the importance of proactive cases and collecting various kinds of evidence rather than relying solely on victim testimony. (2016)

Human Trafficking - PA Courts

Human trafficking is a type of human rights abuse where people profit from the exploitation of others – mainly through the use of force, fraud or coercion to manipulate victims into engaging in sex acts or labor/services in exchange for something of value. Learn more about this from the Pennsylvania Courts.

National Human Trafficking Hotline

The National Human Trafficking Hotline connects victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe. The Trafficking Hotline also receives tips about potential situations of sex and labor trafficking and facilitates reporting that information to the appropriate authorities in certain cases. Call: 1-888-373-7888; TTY: 711; Text* 233733

Resources for Victims of Human Trafficking & Other Crimes

Information on resources for victims of human trafficking and other crimes and the organizations that serve them from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

The Faces of Human Trafficking (Video)

This public service announcement from the Office of Victims of Crime was created to raise awareness of human trafficking, how anyone can be a victim, and that survivors of this crime have very diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Tools That Teach: What is Human Trafficking? (Video)

This video from the Department of Homeland Security's Blue Campaign helps answer the question "What is Human Trafficking? " (2016)

Understanding Human Trafficking: Fact vs. Fiction - PA Courts

Learn the facts, not fiction about Human Trafficking from the Pennsylvania Courts.

Victims of Human Trafficking & Other Crimes

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) helps protect victims of human trafficking and other crimes by providing immigration relief. Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons, is a form of modern-day slavery in which traffickers lure individuals with false promises of employment and a better life. This provides information on the kind of help available from USCIS. For more information please call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888.

What Is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. This provides additional information about human trafficking, how to deal with it, and how to report if you are a victim of trafficking.

Did You Get Unemployment Compensation During the Pandemic? Tips for Filing a New UC Application

If you received Unemployment Compensation (UC) during the pandemic and now need to apply again because you lost your job, you may be confused about how to get started. Here’s some advice from Community Legal Services that may help you file your new application.

Federal Court Finder

Find a federal court location by location or court name, including appellate, district, bankruptcy, probation and pretrial office, or federal defender organization. Each District Court has its own local forms which are generally available on the Court website.

Get a Clean Slate in Pennsylvania - MyCleanSlatePA.com

This website, MyCleanSlatePA.com provides comprehensive information on Pennsylvania's Clean Slate Law that provides for automated sealing of certain criminal records. Information is also provided on how to obtain legal help in dealing with your criminal record. The site also features the Clean Slate Screener, a free and easy way for you to view your Pennsylvania criminal record and get information about your record clearing options.

How to File a Case in Philadelphia Small Claims Court

Explanation of the Small Claims Court process in Philadelphia from Philadelphia Legal Assistance as outlined in a brochure from the Philadelphia Municipal Court.

Minimum Wage and Overtime Complaint Form

This form from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry is used to file complaints under the Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act of 1968. In an effort to expedite your complaint, the Bureau of Labor Law Compliance encourages you to take advantage of the online or electronic submission of the complaint form, but you may choose instead to return a hardcopy version of this form.

Pennsylvania Commonwealth Workforce Development System

The Commonwealth Workforce Development System (CWDS) is an Internet-based system of services for use by customers and potential customers of the PA CareerLink® offices. CWDS provides online access to job openings; information about employers; services and training opportunities for job seekers; and labor market information. All of this is available by enrolling on-line with CWDS.

Benefit Appeals - Important Information for UC Appeal Hearings

Information from the PA Department of Labor & Industry on appeals of unemployment compensation claims.

Blue Campaign

Information on Blue Campaign, a national public awareness campaign, designed to educate the public, law enforcement and other industry partners to recognize the indicators of human trafficking, and how to appropriately respond to possible cases.

Expungement Guide/Limited Access Guide - York County

Legal information about the expungement of criminal records process in York County and about the process for limiting access to certain criminal records. These processes are designed to help individuals who are interested in the expungement of criminal records or in limiting access to qualified records to certain individuals and entities.

Expungements - Allegheny County

Information on expungements of criminal records from the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Criminal Division.

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 4: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Video)

This video highlights task force and other multidisciplinary initiatives, demonstrating the collaborations needed to serve victims of trafficking effectively, bring traffickers to justice, and build the community's capacity. (2016)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 3: An Introduction to Labor Trafficking (Video)

This video provides an overview of labor trafficking. It features survivors and professionals—including law enforcement, judges, social service, legal and health care providers—who share information on victim indicators, ways victims are often identified, how professionals may come into contact with victims of labor trafficking, and industries where labor trafficking is more common. (2016)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 2: An Introduction to Sex Trafficking (Video)

This video provides an overview of sex trafficking. It features survivors and professionals—including law enforcement, judges, and social service, legal, and health care providers—who share information on victim indicators, ways victims are often identified, how professionals may come into contact with victims of sex trafficking, and industries where sex trafficking is more common. (2016)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 1: An Introduction (Video)

This video introduces the issue of human trafficking—both sex and labor trafficking—in the United States in order to raise awareness and provide a foundation for further discussion and training.

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 5: Effective Victim Services (Video)

This video includes information on the importance of providing victim-centered, trauma-informed services to meet the wide array of needs experienced by trafficking victims. Coordination and collaboration are critical in responding to the diverse population of trafficking survivors, as no one provider can meet all of the needs of all types of trafficking victims. (2016)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 6: Focus on Youth (Video)

This video highlights the specific vulnerabilities, risk factors, and needs of youth, with a focus on the diverse range of professionals who are in a position to identify exploited youth and connect them with appropriate services.

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 7: Legal Needs and Rights of Victims (Video)

This video details the array of comprehensive legal needs a victim of human trafficking may have, including issues of immigration, family law, housing, bankruptcy, employment law, public benefits access, criminal defense, rights enforcement, and civil actions. (2016)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 9: Now That We Are Free (Video)

This video features survivors of human trafficking who are resilient, thriving members of their communities. They share insight on the support systems, services, and personal journeys that helped them persevere, with words of encouragement for others who were or may still be in situations of human trafficking. (2016)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 8: The Victim-Centered Case (Video)

This video features survivors, service providers, prosecutors, and local law enforcement who have worked on human trafficking cases that have ended with a successful prosecution. They stress the importance of proactive cases and collecting various kinds of evidence rather than relying solely on victim testimony. (2016)

Family and Medical Leave Act Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet from the United States Department of Labor about the Family and Medical Leave Act. [PDF]

Human Trafficking - PA Courts

Human trafficking is a type of human rights abuse where people profit from the exploitation of others – mainly through the use of force, fraud or coercion to manipulate victims into engaging in sex acts or labor/services in exchange for something of value. Learn more about this from the Pennsylvania Courts.

Know Your Rights at Work

This booklet from the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General outlines the rights a worker has in the workplace and how to get help if you are experiencing an unlawful work-related issue.

Minimum Wage and Overtime Complaint Form

This form from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry is used to file complaints under the Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act of 1968. In an effort to expedite your complaint, the Bureau of Labor Law Compliance encourages you to take advantage of the online or electronic submission of the complaint form, but you may choose instead to return a hardcopy version of this form.

National Human Trafficking Hotline

The National Human Trafficking Hotline connects victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe. The Trafficking Hotline also receives tips about potential situations of sex and labor trafficking and facilitates reporting that information to the appropriate authorities in certain cases. Call: 1-888-373-7888; TTY: 711; Text* 233733

Payment/1099G FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry about Form UC-1099G related to unemployment compensation and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA).

Resources for Victims of Human Trafficking & Other Crimes

Information on resources for victims of human trafficking and other crimes and the organizations that serve them from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Tools That Teach: What is Human Trafficking? (Video)

This video from the Department of Homeland Security's Blue Campaign helps answer the question "What is Human Trafficking? " (2016)

Understanding Human Trafficking: Fact vs. Fiction - PA Courts

Learn the facts, not fiction about Human Trafficking from the Pennsylvania Courts.

Victims of Human Trafficking & Other Crimes

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) helps protect victims of human trafficking and other crimes by providing immigration relief. Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons, is a form of modern-day slavery in which traffickers lure individuals with false promises of employment and a better life. This provides information on the kind of help available from USCIS. For more information please call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888.

What Is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. This provides additional information about human trafficking, how to deal with it, and how to report if you are a victim of trafficking.

Trans Youth Handbook

This Handbook was created to help you learn about your legal rights in different areas of your life. The information in this Handbook should not be considered legal advice. This Handbook provides legal information but does not attempt to apply that information to any specific situation. This guide was up-to-date as of its release in June 2020. However, because laws affecting trans people are constantly changing, the information contained in this Handbook may not reflect the current legal situation where you live. You can click on the links below to access the different sections online. You can also access the entire handbook by clicking here You can also review Resources and Definitions, which lists additional helpful resources and definitions for the terms used in this Handbook. If you have a question about your specific legal situation, you should contact NCLR’s legal helpline by phone at (415) 392-6257 or (800) 528-6257. You can also contact the helpline by e-mail at info@nclrights.org.

Expungements - Allegheny County

Information on expungements of criminal records from the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Criminal Division.

Lancaster County: Judge Henry S. Kenderdine Jr. Self Help Center

The Lancaster County Court Self Help Center opened in July, 2004. The main purpose of the Center is to provide one central location where self-represented litigants can obtain some of the information and forms that they may need to represent themselves in certain types of court actions.

Mifflin County: Prothonotary Forms

Custody, Divorce and Expungement forms from the Prothonotary and MidPenn Legal Services for use in Mifflin County may be viewed and downloaded.

How to File a Case in Philadelphia Small Claims Court

Explanation of the Small Claims Court process in Philadelphia from Philadelphia Legal Assistance as outlined in a brochure from the Philadelphia Municipal Court.

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