Domestic Violence Issues

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Custody and Visitation Guide for Self-Represented Survivors of Domestic Violence

If you’re a domestic violence survivor with children and don’t have a lawyer, this guide from Philadelphia Legal Assistance can help you decide whether a divorce or custody case can help you. If so, it can help you follow the court rules and meet legal requirements, so you have the best chance at an outcome that is safe for you and your children. The guide contains general legal information applicable throughout Pennsylvania and specific information on procedures in Philadelphia.

Getting a Protection From Abuse Order - Pennsylvania (Video)

This video from Philadelphia Legal Assistance explains the court process for obtaining a Protection From Abuse Order. The video is part of Philadelphia Legal Assistance's "Make Your Case" video series. (2014)

Protection From Abuse

Information from Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network, Inc. on the protection available to you under the Pennsylvania Protection From Abuse Act.

Protection From Abuse: Help Is Just A Phone Call Away (Video)

This video from the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence is a 2 1/2-minute primer on how domestic violence victims may obtain a protection-from-abuse court order against an abusive partner. (2014)

Protection Orders

This resource from the Pennsylvania Courts includes several videos including "How to file for a protection order in Pennsylvania"; "Recognizing the Signs of Abuse" and "Safety Planning". it also answers many frequently asked questions about Protection Orders in Pennsylvania.

Protection Orders: How to File for a Protection Order in Pennsylvania (Video)

This video from the Pennsylvania Courts provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how to file for a protection order. The video will prepare victims for what to expect when they file a protection order by offering a detailed description of each step involved in the filing process.

What is a Protection From Abuse Order (Video)

This video from Summit Legal Aid, formerly Laurel Legal Services, describes what a Protection From Abuse (PFA) order is and how it can protect you and other family members. (August 2020). Summit Legal Aid was formed when Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Aid and Laurel Legal Services merged into a single legal aid program on July 1, 2023.

Your Detailed Rights as a Crime Victim

Descriptions of the rights you have as a victim of crime in Pennsylvania

Protection Orders

This resource from the Pennsylvania Courts includes several videos including "How to file for a protection order in Pennsylvania"; "Recognizing the Signs of Abuse" and "Safety Planning". it also answers many frequently asked questions about Protection Orders in Pennsylvania.

Protection Orders: How to File for a Protection Order in Pennsylvania (Video)

This video from the Pennsylvania Courts provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how to file for a protection order. The video will prepare victims for what to expect when they file a protection order by offering a detailed description of each step involved in the filing process.

Protection Orders

This resource from the Pennsylvania Courts includes several videos including "How to file for a protection order in Pennsylvania"; "Recognizing the Signs of Abuse" and "Safety Planning". it also answers many frequently asked questions about Protection Orders in Pennsylvania.

Protection Orders: How to File for a Protection Order in Pennsylvania (Video)

This video from the Pennsylvania Courts provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how to file for a protection order. The video will prepare victims for what to expect when they file a protection order by offering a detailed description of each step involved in the filing process.

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