Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly Food Stamps) and Other Food Programs

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Information and resources about the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program in Pennsylvania.

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32 Resource(s) Found

Application for cash assistance, SNAP and Medical Assistance Benefits

You can apply for cash assistance, SNAP and Medical Assistance benefits online with Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. Paper forms can also be printed from the website. is the official benefits website of the U.S. government whose mission is to increase citizen access to benefit information, while reducing the expense and difficulty of interacting with the government. It is a free, online confidential tool that helps you find government benefits you may be eligible to receive.

COMPASS - Apply for Public Benefits and Services from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania residents can apply for a variety of programs offered by the PA Department of Human Services, including public assistance, food stamps, health care coverage, energy assistance and other social service programs at this site

Food Stamp/SNAP Benefits

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the name for the Food Stamp program. This brochure from the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network explains how the program works to provide food to qualified families in need.

SUN Bucks Eligibility Navigator

The SUN Bucks Eligibility Navigator provides a quick way to check your child's eligibility for the SUN Bucks, Pennsylvania’s Summer EBT program. Answer some questions to determine if your child is automatically eligible for SUN Bucks, or if you will need to apply in order to be determined eligible for SUN Bucks.

SUN Bucks: Pennsylvania’s Summer EBT program

Applications are open for a new seasonal program that will help children stay fed by providing a one-time benefit each summer for purchasing healthy, nutritious meals through the federal SUN Bucks program. SUN Bucks will provide households a SNAP-like benefit to purchase food for the summer months when school is not in session. Families can use the SUN Bucks Eligibility Navigator to determine whether they need to apply or if they are automatically eligible.

Sun Bucks - Summer Food Assistance for Kids

Information from Community Legal Services of Philadelphia about SUN Bucks (also called Summer EBT), a new permanent federal child nutrition program aimed at keeping kids fed during the summer months when they are not in school. Eligible children will receive an EBT card that can be used to purchase groceries. The program will be run by the PA Department of Human Services, with support from the PA Department of Education.

Application for cash assistance, SNAP and Medical Assistance Benefits

You can apply for cash assistance, SNAP and Medical Assistance benefits online with Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. Paper forms can also be printed from the website. is the official benefits website of the U.S. government whose mission is to increase citizen access to benefit information, while reducing the expense and difficulty of interacting with the government. It is a free, online confidential tool that helps you find government benefits you may be eligible to receive.

COMPASS - Apply for Public Benefits and Services from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania residents can apply for a variety of programs offered by the PA Department of Human Services, including public assistance, food stamps, health care coverage, energy assistance and other social service programs at this site

Federal Court Finder

Find a federal court location by location or court name, including appellate, district, bankruptcy, probation and pretrial office, or federal defender organization. Each District Court has its own local forms which are generally available on the Court website.

Local County Assistance Offices

County Assistance Offices are located throughout Pennsylvania. You can submit applications and renewals at your local county assistance office drop box or online using COMPASS. Caseworkers are available at the county assistance office to help you and answer your questions in person or over the phone, if the office is closed to the public. This is a listing of the location and how to contact local County Assistance Offices in Pennsylvania.

COMPASS - Apply for Public Benefits and Services from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania residents can apply for a variety of programs offered by the PA Department of Human Services, including public assistance, food stamps, health care coverage, energy assistance and other social service programs at this site

Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services provides information on the EBT benefit delivery system which provides public assistance recipients with electronic access to their cash and food stamp benefits.

Nutrition Assistance Programs

This booklet from the Social Security Administration provides information about SNAP/food stamps and other nutritional programs for which you may be eligible such as, the Food Program For Women, Infants and Children (WIC), the Nutrition Services Incentive Program, and other nutrition assistance programs. [PDF] (June 2019)

STAY CONNECTED with the Lifeline Telephone and Broadband Assistance Program

The Lifeline Program is a federal government benefit that provides eligible low-income consumers a monthly discount on their phone or internet bill. The benefit can be used for voice (telephone), Broadband internet Access Service (or BIAS, usually called internet service), or a combined telephone/internet service product from a landline or wireless provider.

SUN Bucks Eligibility Navigator

The SUN Bucks Eligibility Navigator provides a quick way to check your child's eligibility for the SUN Bucks, Pennsylvania’s Summer EBT program. Answer some questions to determine if your child is automatically eligible for SUN Bucks, or if you will need to apply in order to be determined eligible for SUN Bucks.

SUN Bucks: Pennsylvania’s Summer EBT program

Applications are open for a new seasonal program that will help children stay fed by providing a one-time benefit each summer for purchasing healthy, nutritious meals through the federal SUN Bucks program. SUN Bucks will provide households a SNAP-like benefit to purchase food for the summer months when school is not in session. Families can use the SUN Bucks Eligibility Navigator to determine whether they need to apply or if they are automatically eligible.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Facts

This fact sheet from the Social Security Administration explains who can get Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits and how to apply for them. [PDF] (June 2019)

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

An overview of Pennsylvania's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - formerly known as Food Stamps from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - how it works, how you can apply, resource and income limits, household composition requirements, as well as details on eligible and ineligible food items.

More SNAP on your EBT Card - COVID-19 Supplement

If you get SNAP you may get extra benefits on your EBT card to help buy food during the COVID-19 Crisis. Here is information from Community Legal Services of Philadelphia on the extra benefits and who is eligible to get them.

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