Employment Discrimination

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This section of PALawHelp.org has information and resources about Employment Discrimination issues in Pennsylvania.

Click on a resource category listed below to see information related to that category.
34 Resource(s) Found

Americans with Disabilities Act

Information from the Erie County Bar Association on your rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act. (February 2019)

Employment Discrimination

Information from Neighborhood Legal Services Association on discrimination in the workplace.

Know Your Employment Rights!

Information from Community Legal Services of Philadelphia on employment rights including wages, unemployment compensation, family and medical leave, discrimination, workplace injuries, and unions. (January 2014)

Reporting Workplace Sexual Harassment in Pennsylvania

Experiencing workplace sexual harassment — whether it is verbal or physical — is never your fault. You have options. You do not have to go through this alone. This guide brings together information and resources on how to identify and report workplace harassment.

Workers with Disabilities

Information from Neighborhood Legal Services Association about the protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act for workers with disabilities

Filing a Charge of Employment Discrimination

Description of the process to be followed to file a charge of employment discrimination with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Filing an Employment Discrimination Charge - A Do-It-Yourself Packet for Immigrant Workers

A Do-It-Yourself Packet for Immigrant Workers. This Packet Contains a Basic Information Brief: Employer Sanctions and Discrimination; Sample I-9 Form; Practical Tips on Dealing with a Discriminatory Employer; How to File a Discrimination Charge; Instructions on Filling out the Charge Form; and Sample Charge and Complaint Forms.

Federal Court Finder

Find a federal court location by location or court name, including appellate, district, bankruptcy, probation and pretrial office, or federal defender organization. Each District Court has its own local forms which are generally available on the Court website.

Filing an Employment Discrimination Charge - A Do-It-Yourself Packet for Immigrant Workers

A Do-It-Yourself Packet for Immigrant Workers. This Packet Contains a Basic Information Brief: Employer Sanctions and Discrimination; Sample I-9 Form; Practical Tips on Dealing with a Discriminatory Employer; How to File a Discrimination Charge; Instructions on Filling out the Charge Form; and Sample Charge and Complaint Forms.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Information from the Erie County Bar Association on your rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act. (February 2019)


Information from the Erie County Bar Association on discrimination in employment and housing from the Erie County Bar Association. (February 2019)

Sexual Harassment

Information from the Erie County Bar Association on sexual harassment in the workplace.

A Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment

Find answers to questions about employment rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act in this A Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment from the U.S. Department of Justice. Webpage and PDF Version. (October 2000)

Background Checks: What Job Applicants and Employees Should Know

Some employers look into your background before deciding whether to hire you, or before deciding whether you can keep your job. When they do, you have legal rights. This publication from the Federal Trade Commission explains the laws that protect you, and how to contact the FTC and EEOC if you think an employer has broken the law. [PDF]

EEOC Publications

Listing of publications from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on a variety of subjects relating to equal employment opportunity and employment discrimination.

Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination - Questions And Answers

Information from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on the federal laws covering job discrimination and what discriminatory practices are prohibited by these laws.

Filing a Charge of Employment Discrimination

Description of the process to be followed to file a charge of employment discrimination with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission Website

The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission is mandated to enforce the Commonwealth's laws that prohibit discrimination because of race, color, religion, ancestry, age (40 and above), sex, national origin, non-job related disability, known association with a disabled individual, possession of a diploma based on passing a general education development test and familial status.

Questions and Answers About Race and Color Discrimination in Employment

These questions and answers are adapted from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Compliance Manual Section on Race and Color Discrimination. For more detailed information about race and color discrimination, you may review the Race and Color Section on the EEOC's website or call 1-800-669-3362 to request a free copy of the Race and Color Section of the web site.

Race and Color Discrimination - EEOC Compliance Manual

This Manual Section from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Compliance Manual provides guidance on analyzing charges of race and color discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Reporting Workplace Sexual Harassment in Pennsylvania

Experiencing workplace sexual harassment — whether it is verbal or physical — is never your fault. You have options. You do not have to go through this alone. This guide brings together information and resources on how to identify and report workplace harassment.

Understanding Your Employment Rights Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): A Guide for Veterans

This guide from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is intended to answer questions you may have about your rights as an injured veteran, now that you have left the service and are returning to a civilian job or seeking a new job. It also explains the kinds of adjustments (called reasonable accommodations) that may help you be successful in the workplace.

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Website

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was established by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and began operating on July 2, 1965. The EEOC enforces various federal statutes relating to discrimination.

Combating Employment Discrimination Through the Americans with Disabilities Act (PDF)

Information from Disability Rights Pennsylvania on the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act regarding employment discrimination. [PDF] (February 2018)

Employment Publications from the Disability Rights Pennsylvania

Publications about disability and employment from the Disability Rights Pennsylvania.

Filing an Employment Discrimination Charge - A Do-It-Yourself Packet for Immigrant Workers

A Do-It-Yourself Packet for Immigrant Workers. This Packet Contains a Basic Information Brief: Employer Sanctions and Discrimination; Sample I-9 Form; Practical Tips on Dealing with a Discriminatory Employer; How to File a Discrimination Charge; Instructions on Filling out the Charge Form; and Sample Charge and Complaint Forms.

Publications from the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law

List of Publications from the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law. The Bazelon Center produces reports, issue papers, and manuals that analyze major federal laws, policies, and regulations that affect access to services and the rights of people with mental disabilities.

Reasonable Accommodations in Employment (PDF)

The Fact Sheet from Disability Rights Pennsylvania addresses the duty of employers to provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act. [PDF] (February 2018)

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