This section of PALawHelp.org has information and resources about Low Income Energy Assistance
Program (LIHEAP) issues in Pennsylvania.
Click on a resource category listed below to see information related to that category.
What Every Utility Customer Should Know
Information from the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network for utility customers
LIHEAP Benefit Amount Table
This tool from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services allows you to see the amount of Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) benefits you are eligible to receive. Select the county where you live and the type of fuel you use to heat your home or a type you to use for additional heat. The benefit table for your county and the type of fuel you use is displayed listing the LIHEAP benefit amount for your yearly income range and household size.
COMPASS - Apply for Public Benefits and Services from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania residents can apply for a variety of programs offered by the PA Department of Human Services, including public assistance, food stamps, health care coverage, energy assistance and other social service programs at this site
LIHEAP Benefit Amount Table
This tool from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services allows you to see the amount of Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) benefits you are eligible to receive. Select the county where you live and the type of fuel you use to heat your home or a type you to use for additional heat. The benefit table for your county and the type of fuel you use is displayed listing the LIHEAP benefit amount for your yearly income range and household size.
Benefits Available for Low Income Persons
A Summary of Benefits available through your County Assistance Office from Neighborhood Legal Services Association.
Tips on Applying for Welfare Benefits
Helpful tips from Neighborhood Legal Services Association about filing an application for benefits from the Department of Public Welfare.
What Every Utility Customer Should Know
Information from the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network for utility customers
You Have the Right to Disagree with the Welfare Office
Information from Neighborhood Legal Services Association on filing appeals to decisions made by your County Assistance Office.
COMPASS - Apply for Public Benefits and Services from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania residents can apply for a variety of programs offered by the PA Department of Human Services, including public assistance, food stamps, health care coverage, energy assistance and other social service programs at this site
Heating Assistance/LIHEAP
Information from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services regarding the Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) program in Pennsylvania, how to apply, program dates, as well as the income limits for this program.