Consumer Protection Information

Legal Information > Know Your Rights

Other Consumer Problems

Frustrated Woman.

This section of has resources about Consumer Protection information and issues in Pennsylvania.

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9 Resource(s) Found

Cyber Stalking and Harassment

This resource provides information for victims of cyber/virtual stalking on where to call for support and advice, how to create a personalized safety plan to secure your data, and steps to take to protect yourself from virtual stalking.

Disaster Relief Resources for Pennsylvania

List of links to govenment resources available to individuals and families recovering from the effects of natural and other disasters.

Fraud Affects Every Community

The Federal Trade Commission has introduced this series outlining how fraud affects different communities. This presents the stories of individuals from various communities have been victimized by fraud and provides some free resources help you protect every community from fraud, no matter what community you’re in or work with.

Helping Clients Explore Their Personal Finance Rights (Video)

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers this prerecorded webinar, in four short modules, to help consumers know their rights and call out potential violations. The modules include: Module 1: Consumer Rights [18:21]; Module 2: Credit and Housing Rights [16:14]; Module 3: Financial Products and Identify Theft Rights [15:59]; and Module 4: How to Submit a Complaint or Tell your Story [10:06]

View, Order and Share FREE Fotonovelas to help your community avoid scams

The FTC’s graphic novels tell the stories of people who deal with fake job offers, telemarketing scams, bogus debt collectors, and other common scams. And they offer practical advice on spotting and avoiding them.

Fraud Affects Every Community

The Federal Trade Commission has introduced this series outlining how fraud affects different communities. This presents the stories of individuals from various communities have been victimized by fraud and provides some free resources help you protect every community from fraud, no matter what community you’re in or work with.

Helping Clients Explore Their Personal Finance Rights (Video)

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers this prerecorded webinar, in four short modules, to help consumers know their rights and call out potential violations. The modules include: Module 1: Consumer Rights [18:21]; Module 2: Credit and Housing Rights [16:14]; Module 3: Financial Products and Identify Theft Rights [15:59]; and Module 4: How to Submit a Complaint or Tell your Story [10:06]

View, Order and Share FREE Fotonovelas to help your community avoid scams

The FTC’s graphic novels tell the stories of people who deal with fake job offers, telemarketing scams, bogus debt collectors, and other common scams. And they offer practical advice on spotting and avoiding them.

Cyber Stalking and Harassment

This resource provides information for victims of cyber/virtual stalking on where to call for support and advice, how to create a personalized safety plan to secure your data, and steps to take to protect yourself from virtual stalking.

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