This section of PALawHelp.org has information and resources about Child Support and Paternity issues in Pennsylvania.
Click on a resource category listed below to see information related to that category.
Family Law Handbook
This handbook provides useful information about common Family Law issues. If you need Family Law help, this handbook has good suggestions about some of the most common areas of Family Law. This handbook also gives answers to commonly asked questions. (2021)
Local Support and Domestic Relations Office Procedures
This webpage provides links to information on support collection and Domestic Relations Office procedures in various counties in Pennsylvania.
Local Support and Domestic Relations Office Procedures
This webpage provides links to information on support collection and Domestic Relations Office procedures in various counties in Pennsylvania.
McKean County Domestic Relations
Information on domestic relations/support procedures in McKean County.
Philadelphia County: Complaint for Support
Form with instructions from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section that may be used in Support proceeding taking place in Phildelphia courts.
Philadelphia County: Domestic Relations Information Sheet
Form from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section for use in domestic relations proceedings taking place in Phildelphia courts.
Philadelphia County: Exceptions to Recommendation of Support Master
Form with instructions from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section that may be used in Support proceeding taking place in Phildelphia courts.
Philadelphia County: Motion Cover Sheet
Form from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section for use in domestic relations proceedings taking place in Phildelphia courts.
Philadelphia County: Motion Cover Sheet
Form with instructions from the Family Division of the Court of Common Please of Philadelphia that may be used in custody proceedings taking place in Philadelphia courts.
Philadelphia County: Petition to Modify Existing Support Order (Philadlephia)
Form with instructions from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section that may be used in Support proceeding taking place in Phildelphia courts.
Philadelphia County (Support): Support Forms
Forms from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section that may be used in Support proceeding taking place in Philadelphia courts.
Serving a Defendant (Video)
This video from Summit Legal Aid, formerly Laurel Legal Services, explains how to serve an opposing party (defendant) in a lawsuit with legal papers related to the lawsuit. Parties must be notified about court proceedings against them and provided with copies of legal papers filed in the proceedings. This video explains the proper and required legal way to notify them of the proceedings (2020). Summit Legal Aid was formed when Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Aid and Laurel Legal Services merged into a single legal aid program on July 1, 2023.
Washington County: Domestic Relations Section of the Court of Common Pleas of Washington County
Information on the Domestic Relations Section of the Court of Common Pleas of Washington County.
Domestic Violence and TANF Support Requirements
Information from the Family Law Section of the Philadelphia Bar Association about the requirement that families who receive cash assistance from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) apply for child or spousal support unless excused for good cause. [PDF]
Local Support and Domestic Relations Office Procedures
This webpage provides links to information on support collection and Domestic Relations Office procedures in various counties in Pennsylvania.
Medical (Health Care) Support in Support Orders
Information from the Pennsylvania Child Support Handbook on how to obtain health care coverage for children from a non-custodial parent in a support order.
Philadelphia County (Support): Support Forms
Forms from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section that may be used in Support proceeding taking place in Philadelphia courts.
Preparing for Your Support Conference - Pennsylvania (Video)
This video from Philadelphia Legal Assistance explains what happens at a child support conference, describes how child support is calculated, and helps you decide whether to ask for a hearing before a support master if you are unsatisfied with the result of a support conference. The video is part of Philadelphia Legal Assistance's "Make Your Case" video series. (2014)
You Can Claim "GOOD CAUSE" Not to File For Child Support if You Are a Victim of Domestic Violence
If you get welfare benefits, the welfare office will expect you to file for child support. This provides information from Community Legal Services of Philadelphia on when you have "good cause" not to file for support due to domestic violence.
Serving a Defendant (Video)
This video from Summit Legal Aid, formerly Laurel Legal Services, explains how to serve an opposing party (defendant) in a lawsuit with legal papers related to the lawsuit. Parties must be notified about court proceedings against them and provided with copies of legal papers filed in the proceedings. This video explains the proper and required legal way to notify them of the proceedings (2020). Summit Legal Aid was formed when Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Aid and Laurel Legal Services merged into a single legal aid program on July 1, 2023.
Family Law Handbook
This handbook provides useful information about common Family Law issues. If you need Family Law help, this handbook has good suggestions about some of the most common areas of Family Law. This handbook also gives answers to commonly asked questions. (2021)
Preparing for Your Support Conference - Pennsylvania (Video)
This video from Philadelphia Legal Assistance explains what happens at a child support conference, describes how child support is calculated, and helps you decide whether to ask for a hearing before a support master if you are unsatisfied with the result of a support conference. The video is part of Philadelphia Legal Assistance's "Make Your Case" video series. (2014)
Serving a Defendant (Video)
This video from Summit Legal Aid, formerly Laurel Legal Services, explains how to serve an opposing party (defendant) in a lawsuit with legal papers related to the lawsuit. Parties must be notified about court proceedings against them and provided with copies of legal papers filed in the proceedings. This video explains the proper and required legal way to notify them of the proceedings (2020). Summit Legal Aid was formed when Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Aid and Laurel Legal Services merged into a single legal aid program on July 1, 2023.
You Can Claim "GOOD CAUSE" Not to File For Child Support if You Are a Victim of Domestic Violence
If you get welfare benefits, the welfare office will expect you to file for child support. This provides information from Community Legal Services of Philadelphia on when you have "good cause" not to file for support due to domestic violence.
Domestic Violence and TANF Support Requirements
Information from the Family Law Section of the Philadelphia Bar Association about the requirement that families who receive cash assistance from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) apply for child or spousal support unless excused for good cause. [PDF]
Philadelphia County (Support): Support Forms
Forms from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section that may be used in Support proceeding taking place in Philadelphia courts.
Medical (Health Care) Support in Support Orders
Information from the Pennsylvania Child Support Handbook on how to obtain health care coverage for children from a non-custodial parent in a support order.
Serving a Defendant (Video)
This video from Summit Legal Aid, formerly Laurel Legal Services, explains how to serve an opposing party (defendant) in a lawsuit with legal papers related to the lawsuit. Parties must be notified about court proceedings against them and provided with copies of legal papers filed in the proceedings. This video explains the proper and required legal way to notify them of the proceedings (2020). Summit Legal Aid was formed when Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Aid and Laurel Legal Services merged into a single legal aid program on July 1, 2023.
McKean County Domestic Relations
Information on domestic relations/support procedures in McKean County.
Serving a Defendant (Video)
This video from Summit Legal Aid, formerly Laurel Legal Services, explains how to serve an opposing party (defendant) in a lawsuit with legal papers related to the lawsuit. Parties must be notified about court proceedings against them and provided with copies of legal papers filed in the proceedings. This video explains the proper and required legal way to notify them of the proceedings (2020). Summit Legal Aid was formed when Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Aid and Laurel Legal Services merged into a single legal aid program on July 1, 2023.
Philadelphia County: Complaint for Support
Form with instructions from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section that may be used in Support proceeding taking place in Phildelphia courts.
Philadelphia County: Domestic Relations Information Sheet
Form from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section for use in domestic relations proceedings taking place in Phildelphia courts.
Philadelphia County: Exceptions to Recommendation of Support Master
Form with instructions from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section that may be used in Support proceeding taking place in Phildelphia courts.
Philadelphia County: Motion Cover Sheet
Form from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section for use in domestic relations proceedings taking place in Phildelphia courts.
Philadelphia County: Motion Cover Sheet
Form with instructions from the Family Division of the Court of Common Please of Philadelphia that may be used in custody proceedings taking place in Philadelphia courts.
Philadelphia County: Petition to Modify Existing Support Order (Philadlephia)
Form with instructions from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section that may be used in Support proceeding taking place in Phildelphia courts.
Philadelphia County (Support): Support Forms
Forms from the Philadelphia Bar Association's Family Law Section that may be used in Support proceeding taking place in Philadelphia courts.
Serving a Defendant (Video)
This video from Summit Legal Aid, formerly Laurel Legal Services, explains how to serve an opposing party (defendant) in a lawsuit with legal papers related to the lawsuit. Parties must be notified about court proceedings against them and provided with copies of legal papers filed in the proceedings. This video explains the proper and required legal way to notify them of the proceedings (2020). Summit Legal Aid was formed when Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Aid and Laurel Legal Services merged into a single legal aid program on July 1, 2023.
Washington County: Domestic Relations Section of the Court of Common Pleas of Washington County
Information on the Domestic Relations Section of the Court of Common Pleas of Washington County.