Contact Us
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News from Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network (PLAN)
Contact Us is an informational website and does not provide direct representation to clients in need. However, if you are a low-income individual, you can apply for civil legal assistance through the legal aid provider in the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network that serves your community.
You can use the Legal Help Finder on at to locate a Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network legal aid provider in your area. You should consult the program designated to serve residents of your county.
The Find Legal Help link at on can also be used to locate legal assistance. In addition to information on legal aid programs, these listings contain contact information for Lawyer Referral services serving various counties in Pennsylvania in the event your income exceeds the eligibility limits for free legal aid.
You should also check the Legal Information resources on The site contains useful legal information from a variety of sources on many areas of the law and may supply the answer to your legal question.
For further information about the website contact